Electronic communication is essential for sharing news and informations with our clients and website /social media page visitors. Etno Boye communications will be timely appropriate and related to our business.
What we will do?
We use range of electronic tools to communicate with our members
Our communication will protect your privacy, maintain clear boundaries and ensure that bullying and harassment does not occur.
* Our website www.etnoboye.com will include current informations , photos , blogs
and no offensive content of photos will be published
* If we decide to publish a photo of a child we will first seek permission from his
parents and no identifying informations will be provided.
* We will seek the feedback of our clients to improve information available on
* E-mail communication will be used in cases of handling your order to share any
support documentation for any claims and while your marketing regarded
preferences are active ( receiving newsletter, brochures and other promo materials)
* We treat all social media postings, blogs ,status,updates and tweets as public
* Posting written,photos or videos will be family friendly
* No personal informations about our clients will be disclosed except in cases of re-
posting clients pictures or posts from their social media account to the company one
in marketing purposes. In this case we will previous obtain clients agreement and
permission to take that action.
* No statements will be made that are misleading ,false or likely to injure persons
* Abusive , discriminatory ,intimidating of offensive statements will not be tolerated.
Those posts will be removed and those responsible will be reported to the social
media platform and blocked from our social media site.